18 June 2010

Planning ahead

Things really are starting to grow now and there are signs that I will have my first edible courgette soon. Not realising how big they grow I stupidly put three plants in one admittedly large planting bag. Next year I will be giving them more space.

All the tomatoes are covered with flowers but the Tumbling Tom in particular are looking very interesting. If all the flowers product a tomato I might be drowing in them!

The peas have a huge amount of pods and they are starting to fill out.

The pak choi have doubled in size in a week.

And these are the refugees from the greenhouse. Sweetcorn, butternut squash and pumpkins have all come to live in the back yard. They have joined the potatoes, strawberries and the backup beans and peas. Those are french beans and peas planted in big pots for them the main crop has finished.

It never hurts to plan ahead!


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Forty something future eccentric. Novice beekeeper. Owned by cats. Loves frogs and pottering around the garden. Grows own food. Can be bought with chocolate.

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