7 June 2010

A comfy new bed

You know what happens, you book a week off to work in the garden, see a spare bit of ground and before you know it, another veg bed has appeared!

Well, perhaps not as simply as that, but essentially that's what has happened. I cleared out the buttercups and weeds, found a good home for carrier bags of montbretia and ended up at the timber merchants on Saturday morning.

The resulting bed, a pleasant 1.8m x 1.3m, is in addition to the three other veg beds and greenhouse. I think it's entirely possible that barring pests and natural disasters I'll be feeding half the Wirral!

The vegetable menagerie now also includes marrow, yellow courgettes, cabbage, cauliflower and more sweetcorn. I'll be keeping you up to date as to their progress but up to now they look very happy.


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Forty something future eccentric. Novice beekeeper. Owned by cats. Loves frogs and pottering around the garden. Grows own food. Can be bought with chocolate.

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