Every evening I go down to the greenhouse and water the assorted tomatoes, courgettes, sweetcorn, pumpkins, cucumbers etc. because I've been assuming that being in a house made of glass they are going to get very thirsty very quickly.
Yesterday I noticed that the leaves on the cucumbers and courgettes are going a bit yellow. Fortunately I ran into my friend Heather this morning (if you check my other blog, she is the lady who did the 192 mile coast to coast walk) at the bus stop and it seems that I'm overwatering the poor things. Apparently when it's overcast I should only water once every couple of days and in less amounts than I'm giving them at the moment.
Heather assures me that once I stop drowning them the cucumbers etc. will pick up.
Well, I did say that I didn't have a clue what I was doing, didn't I. Thank goodness I have a friend who does!
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