11 March 2011

Strawberries and seedlings

After starting things off a little too early I was amazed to see that the majority of my tomatoes and chillis had survived the recent frosts. They have been in the greenhouse and covered with fleece at night but still it has been awfully cold.

This gives me a bit of a head start although I'll start off the rest of my seedlings this week now that we are into March.

I've also decided to try something new with my strawberries. A while ago I saw this done by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and thought I'd give it a go. So here we have the upside-down strawberries!

Easy to grow, easy to water, keeps pests away from them and they look rather funky too.

This year's strawberries were all grown over winter from shoots put out by last year's strawberries. I had those in two large strawberry planters although I'll be planting them up with herbs this year instead. Having used them I discovered that I'm not keen on strawberry planters and upside-down growing looks much more fun.

These little chaps are waiting to be planted but I ran out of empty pop bottles!


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About Me

Forty something future eccentric. Novice beekeeper. Owned by cats. Loves frogs and pottering around the garden. Grows own food. Can be bought with chocolate.

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